Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery}

Liska as a Hub of Jewish TraditionLiska, established as a hub of Jewish cultural and religious life in the 1800s, holds an important place in history. Thousands of pilgrims come annually to pay homage to Tzvi Hirsh Liska, also revered as Hershele Lisker. The village hosts more than 500 Jewish historical sites, including cemeteries and places of wor

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Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery}

Liska’s Role in Jewish Religious Heritage The roots of Jewish heritage in Liska reach back to the 19th century, making it an essential center for religious and cultural engagement. Every year, thousands travel to Liska to honor the revered Tzvi Hirsh Liska, known fondly as Hershele Lisker. The village is home to over 500 Jewish historical sites,

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Special moments from one of the holiest places in the world, the town of Liska, where the deep and blessing-filled prayers recited at the grave of the great tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l (רבי הערשעלע ליסקער זצ״ל), resonate.

ליסקא, די שטאָט וווּ דער גרויסער רבי הערשעלע ליסקער זצ"ל (באקאנט אויך ווי צבי הירש פרידמאן) ליגט באגראבן, איז איינע פון ​​די הייליקסטע ערטער אין דער חסידישער וועלט. ווי דורות לאַנג, אזוי אויך הי

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Liska Shomers

Liska ShomersIn the peaceful silence of Liska's Jewish cemetery, a man engages in heartfelt prayer at the grave of Hershel Lisker, known as Tzvi Hersh Friedman, reflecting his profound spiritual connection. Out of profound sincerity, he requests a divine miracle of love, hope, and healing to nurture and restore the whole community.As he prays with

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Masodik Jelenlet - Jancso 2. filmje Olaszliszka zsido multjarol

Második Jelenlét - Jancsó 2. filmje Olaszliszka zsidó múltjáró1978-ban, tíz évvel korábbi látogatásuk után, Jancsó Miklós és Kende János ismét visszatért a bodrogkeresztúri zsidó temetőbe és az olaszliszkai zsinagógába. Ebben a második dokumentumfilmben két fiatal ember, Lőwy Tamás és Deutsch László tér vissza Olas

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